Shameless people......... Fit for Nothing.....
Have a look at two of the leaders we have chosen to rule us.... sitting and having a leisure time when our National Anthem is being played......
All Indians(Please send this to every one)
Disrespect - WHO THE HELL IS SHE ????
Pls forward this to few of our news channels
Hello Everyone,
These pictures I am sending you all shows the gross disrespect and insult to the Indian National flag by this so called 'spiritual leader' and self proclaimed 'GOD' Mataji Nirmala Devi. This disrespect to our country's flag shows that she has definitely no respect or love for the country that gave her so much and her husband who was an IAS officer and chief of the SCI (he is seated next to her in the pics). Such a shame..
I do urge and plead with all Indians who deeply love their country to forward the photos to as many people as possible so that it does catch the eye of someone higher up in the Indian Govt who can really take someaction against this cult.